Are there really people that think they are getting microchipped? I'm sure there are, but you won't hear about it on the Internet, because those people don't have Internet for the same fear that everything is bugged and chipped.
What you see is a lot of trolls on the Internet and the old media still doesn't know how to handle it. So they pick up a Qanon story or a flat earth story or a troll about vaccines and run with it as if there are really a large swathe of people that believe this crap. Then they go around asking dumb questions and get troll responses just to confirm their biases, and that's how you get "50% of US citizens believes in flat earth" - no you asked a dumb question and got a troll answer.
This is how the old media and their corporate arms gets Boaty McBoatface and Kellogg's Green Onion cereal and election polls that are off between 10% and 15% and they STILL don't UNDERSTAND the phenomenon and continue with their classic analysis that this is somehow REAL and somehow this is how the average American thinks.
Here is the reality: 22% of the US population has a Twitter account and 98% of them are not active on a regular basis. So if you poll Twitter about a thing, whether it's vaccines or elections or wokeness, you are more likely to get either the extremists or the trolls, you won't get Joe Sixpack who really couldn't give a shit whether you are a crossdresser on Twitter, whether you sexually identify as an Apache Attack Helicopter and whether that is woke, troll or someone who is actually delusional.